Springtime Cherry Blossoms in Senshu Springtime Cherry Blossoms in Senshu

HomeThemed SelectionsSpringtime Cherry Blossoms in Senshu

Top Picks from Among the Dozens of Great Cherry Blossom Spots in Senshu

As the first signs of spring begin to appear, the residents of Senshu head out to feel the sunlight on their faces and greet the new season. Senshu is, in fact, a famous spot for cherry blossom viewing, and the following guide provides a look at some of the region's little-known but stunning springtime cherry blossom spots.

  • Daisen Park

    Daisen Park

    About 400 cherry trees are planted here in a pattern surrounding the central Dora-ike Pond, forming an area of the park known as the "Sakura Garden." In the spring, this entire belt of trees comes into full bloom, creating an enchanting pink-and-white spectacle. Daisen Park itself has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Historical Japanese Parks" and features a spacious lawn area, the "Children's Forest" play area, a museum, a teahouse, a traditional Japanese garden and other attractions that make it a popular destination for recreation and relaxation.

    Address: 大阪府堺市堺区百舌鳥夕雲町2丁204
    Tel: 072-241-0291
    Site Information: https://www.city.sakai.lg.jp/kurashi/koen/shokai/daisenkouen.html

    (Please call for further details)

  • Hamadera Park

    Hamadera Park

    Hamadera Park is home to a pine-tree woods selected as one of "Japan's Top 100 Famous Pine Tree Spots." It's also famous as a cherry blossom spot: About 1,300 Yoshino cherries, Kawazu cherries, weeping cherries and other varieties blossom throughout the park, and during peak season they form a stunning tunnel of flowers. Furthermore, the rose garden comes into bloom in both the spring and fall, providing even more opportunities to enjoy the seasons in this relaxing park. Hamadera Park has a long history dating back to its creation in 1873, and it features a swimming pool, a car-and-train-themed amusement area, sports facilities and more, providing enough family-oriented activities to easily fill an entire day.

    Address: 大阪府堺市西区Hamadera Park町
    Tel: 072-261-0936
    Official Website: http://hamadera.osaka-park.or.jp/

    (Please view the website for further details)


    Before entering Hamadera Park, make sure to stop at this station-front shop and pick up some Hanami Dango ("cherry blossom viewing dumplings") and Shoro Dango red-bean-paste dumplings. Shoro Dango are made using fine-textured, smooth bean paste and sticky-rice cakes, and have been a popular product since Fukueido first set up shop in 1907.

  • Sukematsu Park

    Sukematsu Park

    Sukematsu Park is the largest park in Izumiotsu City and features a road-themed play area, a baseball diamond, tennis courts, a playground area, and a swimming pool (open in the summer), giving visitors plenty of ways to enjoy their day. Moreover, roughly 200 cherry trees are planted throughout the park, making it one of Izumiotsu's most popular blossom viewing spots. When spring rolls around, come on down to this spacious park and relax as you enjoy the flowers for yourself!

    Address: 大阪府泉大津市助松町4丁目1
  • Kurodoriyama Park

    Kurodoriyama Park

    Kurodoriyama Park boasts a waterside deck where visitors can view lotus flowers, a playground designed around a cherry blossom theme, and other fun attractions. There are around 800 cherry trees throughout the park, and during the cherry blossom season it is filled with people kicking back and enjoying Mother Nature. Furthermore, there is a sizable hill offering a view of the surrounding cityscape, as well as a fountain, flower beds and a waterside deck. Cherry trees within the park grounds include about 730 Yoshino cherries, weeping cherries and more, and the sweeping view from atop the park's hill is impressive. Moreover, the large playground area makes this park popular with kids as well.

    Address: 大阪府和泉市黒鳥町四丁目531-1他
    Tel: 0725-43-6470
    Site Information: https://satomachi-izumi.com/spots/%E9%BB%92%E9%B3%A5%E5%B1%B1%E5%85%AC%E5%9C%92

    (Please call for further details)

  • Kishiwada Castle

    Kishiwada Castle

    Kishiwada Castle's famous Hachijin Garden, officially designated as a "Place of Scenic Beauty," contains about 170 cherry trees with many planted along the moat's outer perimeter. These come into full bloom in the spring, surrounding the castle keep as a sign that the new season has arrived in this famous Danjiri Festival town. The Castle Festival is also held during this season, at which time small paper lanterns are affixed to the cherry trees to create beautiful nighttime illumination. This is a great place to enjoy cherry blossoms set against a castle backdrop, and to continue viewing the flowers even after the sun goes down.

    Address: 大阪府岸和田市岸城町9番1号
    Tel: 072-431-3251
    Official Website: https://www.city.kishiwada.osaka.jp/kishiwadajyo/

    (Please view the website for further details)

  • Mizuma-area Cherry Blossoms

    Mizuma-area Cherry Blossoms

    Take the Mizuma Railway out toward the mountains and get off at the Mizumakannon Station terminus to experience a famous Mizuma-area cherry blossom spot. Mizuma Park, a popular spot for rest and relaxation among locals, is an ultra-popular blossom viewing spot in the spring—with so many visitors that temporary parking is set up to handle the traffic! The park is filled with roughly 350 cherry trees, and it takes about one hour to walk the grounds. Furthermore, this park is situated just behind Mizuma-dera Temple, so while you're here stop by to see the Buddhist temple for yourself. Mizuma-dera is an important bekkaku honzan (quasi-head temple) affiliated with Tendai-sect Buddhism, and it is known most commonly by the name "Mizuma Kannon." Although only moderate in size, Mizuma-dera is situated on a kind of riverine island where the Sobura-gawa and Kibitani-gawa Rivers intersect, and the view of the temple along with its bridges and the rivers is quite attractive.
    The area is accessible by car of course, or you can ride the charming Mizuma Railway and take a short walk from the station.

    Address: 水間公園:大阪府貝塚市水間641-1
    Tel: 072-433-7048 (Mizuma Park / Kaizuka City Urban Development Department Roads and Parks Section)
    072-446-1355 (Mizuma-dera Temple)
    Site Information: 水間公園:https://www.city.kaizuka.lg.jp/kakuka/toshiseibi/dorokotsu/menu/kouennituite/kouen_ryokuti_itiran/mizumakouen.html

    (Please call for further details)

  • Eiraku Dam

    Eiraku Dam

    The Eiraku Dam area has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Osaka Green Spaces" and "Top 100 Water-source Forests." The surrounding park occupies an area of approximately 2 square kilometers (0.8 square miles), has a walking course, and is home to roughly 1,000 cherry trees—comprising mainly Yoshino cherries but also including wild cherries and others. In recent years, new Jindai-akebono cherry trees have been planted to serve as future replacements for aging Yoshino cherries. Numerous people visit the Eiraku Dam area in the spring to see the cherry blossoms, and the vistas of these flowers reflecting off of the reservoir's water provide a unique way to savor the season.

    Address: 大阪府泉南郡熊取町高田4丁目
    Tel: 072-452-6085(熊取町産業振興課)
    Site Information: https://www.town.kumatori.lg.jp/soshiki/kohokocho/gyomu/gaiyo/kanko_joho/shizen/1394.html

    (Please call for further details)

  • Oiseki Park

    Oiseki Park

    This park's Roji Gorge is included on the list of "Top 100 Osaka Green Spaces." It is located near Hine Shrine in Izumisano's Hineno area, along the banks of the Kashiigawa River as it passes through the mountains. The gorgeous scenery created by pristine waters flowing through the base of a rocky gorge next to cherry blossoms in full bloom makes Oiseki Park an attractive springtime spot. With around 600 cherry trees along the river against an elegant, craggy backdrop, this is known as Izumisano's best cherry blossom spot. Furthermore, the popular Cherry Blossom Festival is held here every year on the first Sunday of April. The easiest way to reach Oiseki Park via public transportation is to take a Nankai train to Izumisano Station or JR train to Hineno Station, board a bus bound for Inunakiyama, and get off at Higashiue bus stop.

    Address: 大阪府泉佐野市日根野東上
    Tel: 072-463-1212(泉佐野市観光協会)
    Site Information: https://www.kankou-izumisano.jp/50on/a/ooiseki.html

    (Please call for further details)

  • Yamanakadani


    Look to the left after getting off the train at Yamanakadani Station, and you'll find yourself face to face with stunning rows of Yoshino cherry trees, wild cherries and other cherry tree varieties. These trees are all illuminated at night as well.
    This is also a great spot for admiring hydrangeas in early summer, red spider lilies in late summer, and Japanese-clover flowers in the fall, offering different varieties throughout the four seasons.
    The area was a thriving post town along the old Kishu Kaido highway during the Edo Period (1603–1868), and thereafter up until the mid-20th century it was popular as a hot spring resort, earning it the nickname Osaka no okuzaseki (meaning "Osaka's [hidden-away] back room"). As part of local revitalization efforts, cherry tree planting was carried out along the Yamanaka-gawa River from the mid-1960s onward, and today there are around 1,000 cherry trees in the Yamanakadani area.
    In addition to trees along the tracks, you can cross a bridge over the river to find attractive rows of cherry trees there as well. There are countless great photo spots nearby!
    Moreover, the Yamanakadani Cherry Blossom Festival is held every year at Wanpaku Kingdom Park right outside of Yamanakadani Station.

    Address: 大阪府阪南市Yamanakadani
    Tel: 072-471-5678(阪南市役所まちの活力創造課)
    Site Information: https://www.city.hannan.lg.jp/kakuka/mirai/mkatsu/spot/sakura.html

    (Please call for further details)

    Cafe NACLEYCafe NACLEY インスタグラム

    The old Kishu Kaido highway is just one street over to the east from the cherry trees and road paralleling the train tracks. Here you'll find Cafe NACLEY, a cafe based out of a renovated traditional Japanese home along the old road. Their main products are their charming milkshakes, but they also offer hot dogs, popcorn and other tasty products as well.

    Cafe NACLEY

    Jifukuji Temple

    If you walk a bit beyond Cafe NACLEY and ascend the stone steps, you'll find yourself in Jifukuji Temple. This temple's main attraction is the impressive weeping cherry tree at its center, and the attractive view of the townscape below from atop the stone staircase is quite nice.

    Jifukuji Temple


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